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In line with its strategy and public service mission, the Group has created a reliable and robust organisational structure built on four basic elements: the governance bodies, a risk management system, a business continuity plan and an integrated management system.
As an actor committed to the target of France achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, the Teréga Group relies on reliable and robust governance bodies to lead its ambitious business plan to fruition.
Teréga SAS is the majority shareholder of Teréga SA. Assisted by its Risk and Sustainable Development Audit Committee and its Appointment and Remuneration Committee, the Teréga SAS Board of Directors, the majority shareholder in Teréga SA, determines the Group’s strategic direction. As fundamental pillars of a sustainable business, it also ensures that societal, social and environmental challenges are also fully integrated into the Group’s strategy and monitors its performance in both financial and extra-financial terms.
Working for the Teréga SAS Board of Directors, it guarantees the relevance of financial information and the reliability of the associated risk management and internal control processes. The audit committee also examines any operation or event liable to have an impact on the sustainability challenges facing Teréga Group has, and ensures the quality of extra-financial information.
Paolo Ventrella (SNAM)
Nicolas Machtou ( GIC)
Abdelhamid Lazaar (Predica)
Stéphanie Thomazeau (Independent)
It formulates recommendations on the appointment and remuneration of the Teréga SAS Chairman and the members of its Board of Directors. The Committee also rules on the remuneration policies of Teréga SAS and Teréga SA and its subsidiaries, and on the Executive Committee’s long-term incentive programme.
Gianluca Poi (SNAM)
Paola Bonandrini (SNAM)
Rhys Phillip (GIC)
Camille Depoutout (GIC)
Teréga SA is the company that manages the operations side of Teréga’s business. Its Board of Directors steers the implementation of the business plan (IMPACT 2025 until the end of 2024, then GAÏA 2035 for 10 years from 2025). It sets up a detailed and regular watch on Teréga SA’s operational and financial performance, and on the situation on the energy markets in which the company is active. This body is particularly attentive to the social, societal and environmental aspects of the Company’s plans and strategy, in order to undertake operational and commercial activities that have a positive impact for the company.
The gross taxable pay of the Chairman of Teréga SAS for the year 2023 was €651,465, which is 8.4 times the average taxable pay of permanently contracted employees in the Teréga Group.
That pay comprises a fixed portion (54%), benefits in kind (1%) and a variable portion (45%).
Targets relating to the safety of individuals and methane emissions affect 25% of the annual variable portion.
In addition to this remuneration, the Chairman receives director’s fees of €45,000 due to his role as director and Chairman of the Teréga SA Board of Directors.
Regarding the directors and the Data on the remuneration of the “non-executive” management team, shareholders have decided to award director’s fees to their administrators and supplementary pay to others.
Teréga SA: annual director’s fees awarded (€40,000 gross per director) and additional remuneration of €5000 gross to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Teréga SAS: annual award of director’s fees of €40,000 gross per director and additional remuneration of €5000 gross to council and committee chairmen and €5000 gross per committee member.
To deal with a constantly evolving energy situation, and multiple geostrategic problems, the Teréga Group has a robust risk management system in place. Covering all its activities, processes and assets, it aims to identify, assess, manage and steer undesirable events (strategic, human, social, environmental, operational, technical, regulatory, financial etc.) to keep them to an acceptable level, to shine a light on opportunities that should be grasped, and thus increase the Group’s resilience in the face of such disturbances.
This system is organised around three lines of management:
Preserving the value, assets and reputation of the Group,
Strengthening the safety of decisional and operational processes,
Developing a shared vision of the main risks to which the Group is exposed, with all employees on board.
In a world where energy plays a crucial role, Teréga has a Business Continuity Management System (SMCA) in place, fully integrated into our safety programme, PARI 2035 (Prevention of Accidents and Industrial Risks).
The aim of the SMCA is to ensure the stability of operations and the constant availability of the Group’s energy infrastructures when there are extreme climate events, pandemics, or even digital threats, for example.
Business continuity thus enables us to adopt a proactive approach to risks, to identify and attenuate the potential effects, minimising service interruptions and impacts that can be financial as much as operational.
This resilience is not just a response to crises or regulations; it is a true business culture, the key to confidence among investors, customers and local stakeholders: Teréga ensures it adapts quickly to the changes brought about by the energy transition, maintains flexibility in its approach, and demonstrates its responsibility to society and the environment, with complete transparency.
To guarantee the excellence of its services, Teréga has an integrated management system, and it holds ISO [FB4] certification in many fields: Quality, Environment, Energy, Health and Safety.
Named SMILE (from the French for Integrated Lean and Evolving Management System) it reflects Teréga’s commitment to management that is:
Interdisciplinary, with processes involving all Departments in meeting the business’s global challenges, to serve its customers,
Integrated, working to certify Quality, Environment, Energy, Health and Safety requirements within a single harmonised management system,
Lean, through application of the principles of Lean Management in an ongoing quest for greater efficiency and performance,
Evolving, in response to the expectations of all stakeholders, constantly reinventing itself, while guaranteeing its management through recognised certifications.
Ethics: Teréga’s commitments and initiatives
Teréga’s commitment to responsible procurement
CADRE, the responsible governance programme
To successfully carry out its strategy and its desire to build a sustainable business model, the Group sets itself an objective of exemplary conduct in the conduct of its activities and advocates a set of values based on three founding pillars: ethical conduct, reliable organization, robust business management and exemplary purchasing practices. These pillars actively support Teréga’s responsible governance approach and help establish a relationship of trust with all of its stakeholders.